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About storing files
There are several methods for uploading files, such as word processing or picture files, to FirstClass for your own use, or for sharing with other users.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
If you are working with a large file that is on your own computer, and you, or someone who might download this file, use a slow connection consider compressing the file before uploading it. Compressed files often transfer faster and take up less space on the server.
You can share a file by attaching it to a message or by storing it in a container. If you attach the file to a message, you can add explanatory text in the message body. If you store the file in a container, it is available to anyone with access to that container.
Uploads and downloads (file transfers) take place in the background. While they are going on, you can perform other tasks, including initiating more file transfers. While file transfer is taking place, the File Transfer form is displayed, indicating file transfer progress. After transfer is complete, you can click Open Folder to open the container that holds the files you transferred. If you want this form to close automatically when file transfers are complete, select "Close when finished" before you close the form.
About our terminology
We refer to sharing files, but you can also share FirstClass objects, such as documents, contacts and mail lists, bookmarks, and voice greetings.
We describe attaching files to messages, but you can also attach files to other FirstClass objects, such as documents, calendar events and tasks, and contacts.
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FirstClass objects attached to messages can't be transferred over the Internet.

Specifying the default folder for downloaded files
When you download a file, FirstClass suggests a default folder as the destination.
To change the default destination folder for downloaded files, select the folder you want as the default at "Download folder" in your preferences.

About your File Storage folder
The File Storage folder on your Desktop is a place for you to store uploaded files for your personal use. You can store files of various media, such as text, pictures, sound files, and movies. In list view, the type of file is displayed.
The File Storage folder provides toolbar buttons for all the tasks you commonly do with files, such as uploading and downloading them, previewing them, and sending them to other users.
In addition, the New Folder and Move to Folder buttons let you create subfolders for organizing your files, and move files into these folders. There are specialized folder templates for pictures, music, and movies, that provide optimized environments for those media.
The Music template has a voice player pane and a list view that includes the information, such as genre, that often accompanies an MP3 file. The files play sequentially, and there are playback controls for repeats and play order.

About picture thumbnails
When you upload a picture, a thumbnail of that picture is used as the picture file's icon.
To see a larger version of thumbnails in list view:
•       select "Variable height rows" in the pane's view properties
You can then enlarge the icons by widening the Icon column.
•       add the Thumbnail column.
Thumbnails are displayed at a size that is larger than the default icon size. If your container will store only pictures, you can use the Thumbnail column in place of the Icon column.

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