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About logging in
Depending on how your administrator set up the server and your user account, you may be able to connect (log in) to a server as:

a registered user
Your administrator provided you with a personal user ID and password.
a user who can autoregister
Your administrator set up the server to allow autoregistration.
When you autoregister, you supply the user ID and password that you want to use for future connections. The next time you log in, you do so as a registered user.
a guest user
You do not require a user ID or password. Guests are generally more limited in what they can do than registered users.

Logging in as a registered user
To log in as a registered user:
1       Double-click the FirstClass icon.
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The way you start FirstClass depends on how you made it available (for example, as a launcher on the Linux panel).
2       Update the FirstClass Login form.
3       Click the Login button to open your FirstClass Desktop.

Logging in as a guest user
To log in as a guest user:
1       Double-click the FirstClass icon.
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The way you start FirstClass depends on how you made it available (for example, as a launcher on the Linux panel).
2       Update the FirstClass Login form.
3       Click the Login button to open the guest account's FirstClass Desktop.

Logging in using an IMAP client
If you have a client that supports the IMAP4rev1 standard (Netscape IMAP client, or a Microsoft IMAP client such as Outlook Express), you can use this client to connect to a FirstClass server.
For instructions, see your client documentation.

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