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Applying background colors
To apply a background color for your content:
1       Choose Format > Format Background.
2       Select "Use color" and choose the color you want.

Using picture files as backgrounds
To use a picture file as a background for your content:
1       Choose Format > Format Background.
81203_42521_14.png        Shortcut
If you don't need to specify the placement of the background picture, you can choose Edit > Insert > Insert Background Image, then select the picture file. The picture is tiled.
2       Update the fields on the Format Background form that apply to images.

Pasting pictures into backgrounds
If you have a picture copied to your clipboard, you can use it as a background for your content. To do this:
1       Place the cursor in the content.
2       Choose Edit > Paste Special.
3       Choose the file format you want FirstClass to assign to this picture.
Pictures are given a file format, even when they are pasted from the clipboard, so that you or others can subsequently save the picture files to your computers.
4       Select "Paste as background image".
The picture is tiled. If you don't want a tiled background, choose Format > Format Background and choose the placement you want at "Image position".

Working with background pictures
You can open a background picture in a separate viewer window that does not display the content on top of it. To do this:
1       Choose Format > Format Background.
2       Click Open.
For information on what you can do in the viewer window, see Opening pictures in the viewer window.

Saving background picture files
If an object's content has a background picture, you can save the picture file to your computer. To do this:
1       Choose Format > Format Background.
2       Click Save As.
3       Select the folder where you want to save the file.
The file is saved in its original format.

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