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By default, all settings files created by a user are placed in the FirstClass Settings folder that is located in that user's personal user space. This includes the home.fc settings file that is automatically created when the user first runs the client.
If FirstClass is running on a computer with multiple users, the computer administrator (the person who logs into the computer as Administrator, not your FirstClass administrator) can create a home.fc settings file for use by all users of that computer.
To do this, the computer administrator must be the first to run the FirstClass client. This will place home.fc in the administrator's personal user space. The administrator saves connection information, but not a user ID or password. After home.fc has been created, the administrator can drag it into the FirstClass Settings folder that is located in the shared applications area.
This settings file will now be used by subsequent users on the computer. If a user updates home.fc, a copy containing the updates will be placed in that user's personal user area. The shared settings file won't be changed.

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