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When you connect to your FirstClass server, your connection's security is affected by:
•       the level of encryption used on all data that is exchanged between your client (the commands you give FirstClass) and the server (FirstClass' responses to your commands)
•       the method used to authenticate you (check that you are a valid user) when you log in.

Changing the encryption level
To change the default level of data encryption for all of your connections that use the same connection protocol:
1       Open the Configure Connection form.
2       Choose the security level you want at "Encrypt" on the Advanced tab.
You can override this default for a particular connection by updating "Encryption" on the Service Setup form.
If you choose an encrypted connection (Secure or CAST-128), you'll see a lock icon in the status bar after you connect.
If your connection is CAST-128
If you log into a server using a CAST-128 connection, you may see a message about a public key the first time you connect to that server. This is part of the security mechanism. It identifies the server to your client. If you know what the public key should be, check that the displayed key is correct. If you don't know what the public key should be, just accept the value you see.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
If FirstClass notifies you that the server can't support CAST-128 connections, change your security level to Secure.

Changing the authentication method
Your administrator decides how logins will be authenticated. They may be authenticated only by the FirstClass server (called FirstClass secure authentication), by a remote server, or by a combination of the two.
If you never want your logins for a particular connection authenticated by a remote server, select "FirstClass secure authentication only" on the Service Setup form.
For further information

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