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Changing main pane appearance
You can change the following by updating your preferences:
• the general FirstClass appearance and feature set
• the location of toolbars, and whether toolbar buttons include text
• the maximum number of objects to list per page
• the size of icons
• the number of columns to display when in an icon view.
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Your choices won't work if your administrator hasn't made them accessible on your server.
In addition, you can change view properties if you have permission to change the appearance of a particular container.

Using split bars to define panes
The main pane can consist of subpanes divided by a split bar. The split bar between panes can be horizontal or vertical. You can move a split bar to change pane width or hide one pane behind the other.

Do this
add a split bar
1 Click Edit View.
2 Click Edit Split.
3 Choose Split Horizontal or Split Vertical.
4 Specify the height of the upper pane at "Split size".
remove a split bar, so that there is only one pane
All objects in the container are displayed in this pane.
1 Click Edit View.
2 Click Edit Split.
3 Choose No Split.
move the split bar
Change the value at "Split size" on the View Properties (Edit Split) form.

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We refer to upper and lower panes in this help. If you have a vertical split bar, the upper pane is the left pane, and the lower pane is the right pane.

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