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Listing Directory names
The Directory does not list any names until you click Search.

Do this
list all names in the Directory
Leave "Search" blank.
list only names containing certain characters
Type the characters at "Search", then click Search.
For example, to list only those entries with a first or last name of Alan, type something like al. To find the entry for Alan Grady, type the entire name or something like al gr.
list only names that belong to your organization or group, or a particular group
Choose My Organization, My Group, or the group at "Show".

Narrowing the Directory list
You can reduce the number of entries shown in the Directory list by requesting only certain categories of entries. The Directory window contains checkboxes for four categories:

Your personal contacts.
The users who are registered on your server.
Users who are registered on other servers that are gatewayed to your server.
Includes calendars.

To remove all entries for a category from the list, clear the appropriate checkbox, then click Search.

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