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Hiding column headings
By default, list view shows a heading at the top of each column. If you don't want column headings, clear "Show column titles" in the pane's view properties.

Resizing columns
To change the width of a column:
1 Click Edit Column Layout for the appropriate pane from the View Properties form.
2 Change the number of pixels at "Width" beside the column you want to resize.

Changing column order
To change the order in which columns are displayed:
1 Click Edit Column Layout for the appropriate pane from the View Properties form.
The fields displayed by each column are listed in order, with the leftmost column at the top.
2 Make note of the current fields and their column widths.
This keeps you from inadvertently dropping columns and forgetting custom widths as you re-sort the columns.
3 Choose the field you want for each column and reapply any custom widths.

Showing gridlines
To show horizontal gridlines that separate rows, select the view property "Show horizontal gridlines".
To show vertical gridlines that separate columns, select "Show vertical gridlines".

Showing row numbers
To show row numbers to the left of rows, select the view property "Show row numbers".

Making text in columns wrap
To make text that doesn't fit the column width wrap to subsequent lines instead of being cut off, select the view property "Variable height rows".

Adding and removing columns
To add a column to the right of existing columns:
1 Click Edit Column Layout for the appropriate pane from the View Properties form.
2 Choose the field you want in the bottom, blank column.
The column has a default width, in pixels. You can change this width.
To remove a column, replace the field in that column with the blank value at the top of the dropdown list of fields.

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