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Issues with old web site content
If you used a pre-8.3 version of FirstClass to create web site content, you are free to do nothing, and your content will continue to render on your web site. You can add more content just as you always have.
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If you don't want to use the new web publishing application, don't click the Appearance button. Clicking this button tells FirstClass to use the new web publishing features for this container, and your web pages won't display as you expect.
But you won't be able to use the full power of the web publishing application. For example, you won't be able to view your content on your web site as you develop it, or apply appearance templates.
You also need to know that any HTML pages won't take on the navigation bars or other formatting provided by the templates. These pages will basically be standalone pages in your site.
For these reasons, we recommend that you make your existing content compatible with the web publishing application.

Switching to web publishing
Switching your old web site content so that it is compatible with the web publishing application involves just a few steps. You will find your old web site content in Web Publishing, which is your old My Web Site/Home Page folder, renamed.
We recommend that you use the FirstClass client to archive this folder and create a new one. This preserves your old content and allows you to move it over one page at a time, so that you can isolate any problems. The online help in the client explains what to do.
If you don't want to do this, at a minimum you must make sure that you remove or rename any specially named home page document in your old content. Web publishing can't work properly with content that includes a document named home page, index.htm/html, home.htm/html, or default.htm/html. You can also copy the contents of this page to a new web page.

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