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Types of calendar views
You can split a calendar into panes, and look at it using the same views, as you do for conferences. While in these views, you can do the same things you do with messages. For example, in list view, you can sort calendar events.
In addition, there are the following specialized calendar views:

Additional information
Highlights the current day.
Highlights the current day.
Shows events only, in time slots.
Tasks and untimed events are displayed at the top of this view.
Calendars / Today list
• events that take place today and tasks that start today or are still ongoing
• all calendars that are available for you to display combined.
This list is displayed in a separate pane that you can show or hide.

To display a pane in a particular view, click the appropriate toolbar button. You can also choose the view at "Display format" in the pane's view properties.
Conflicting events are indicated with a red bar. Urgent tasks and events are listed before nonurgent ones.

Changing the appearance of calendar text
You can change the font family, size, and color in which calendar text is displayed in all views. This doesn't affect the text displayed in open calendar items.
To do this, update the following fields on the View Properties form:

Type the font family name (for example, Verdana).
To revert to the default font family, clear this field.
Select or type the font size.
To revert to the default size, click the minus control until Default is displayed.
Use color
Select the checkbox, then choose the color by clicking it on the color palette.
For a custom color, type the red, green, and blue values.

Customizing calendar views
You can customize your month and week calendar views in the following ways:
• display week numbers (month view)
• change the day on which the week starts (month and week views).
To customize your calendar views, make the changes you want to your preferences.

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