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Making messages urgent
An urgent message message appears in bold. Where applicable, it also involves special gateway handling.
To make an unsent message urgent:
1 Click Message Options with the message open.
2 Choose Urgent at "Priority" on the Message Options form.

Making messages low priority
Some gateways have special handling for low priority (bulk) mail. Check with your administrator to see if making messages low priority is useful to you.
To make an unsent message low priority, choose Bulk at "Priority" on the Message Options form.

Marking messages as junk
Recipients control whether they want to see junk mail through their preferences.
To mark messages as junk for recipients, choose Junk at "Priority" on the Message Options form.

Preventing generation of nondelivery notices
By default, FirstClass sends a nondelivery notice (NDN) to your Mailbox if your message can't be delivered.
If you don't want to receive an NDN for a particular message, select "Suppress NDN" on the Message Options form.

Setting message sensitivity
Currently, message sensitivity has no effect on how FirstClass handles messages. It is provided as information for the recipient, and could be used by third-party gateways.
By default, messages are assigned normal sensitivity. To change sensitivity, choose Personal, Private, or Company at "Sensitivity" on the Message Options form.

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