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Applying background colors
To apply a background color for your content:
1 Choose Format > Format Background.
2 Select "Use color" and choose the color you want.
Click a color on the color palette or, for a custom color, type the red, green, blue values.

Using picture files as backgrounds
To use a picture file as a background for your content:
1 Choose Format > Format Background.
2 Select the picture file.
If the picture file is on your computer, click Browse, then select the file. After it appears in the attachments input field, click Attach.
If the file is stored on the FirstClass server, click On Server, then select the file by clicking it. You can use the icons at the top of the Attach form to navigate to the file.
3 Select the file at "Use image".
4 Choose the position you want for the background picture at "Image position".
The background picture can be located at the top left, tiled, centered, or stretched to fit the page.

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