Dragging FirstClass objects into content
To embed a link to another FirstClass object (the target object) by dragging:
1 Display the target object unopened.
2 Drag the target to the desired location in your content.
A link icon is displayed, with the name of the target inserted as the link text.
3 Replace the link text with text of your choice, if desired.
Pasting copied FirstClass content as a link
To embed a link to another FirstClass object by pasting:
1 Open the target object.
2 Copy any content from the object.
3 Choose Edit > Paste Special at the desired location in your content.
4 Choose Link (URL).
A link icon is displayed, with placeholder link text.
5 Replace the link text with text of your choice.
Dragging markers into content
To embed a link that leads to a marker:
1 Shift-drag the marker to the desired location in your content.
You can drag markers from other objects, or from within the object you are working on.
A link icon is displayed, with placeholder link text.
2 Replace the link text with text of your choice.
Dragging web page addresses into content
To embed a link to a web page:
1 Display the target web page.
2 Drag the URL icon from the address bar in your web browser to the desired location in your content.
A link icon is displayed, with the name of the target inserted as the link text.
3 Replace the link text with text of your choice, if desired.